In today’s generation most of the people are facing hair problems and its increasing day by day. Even after using expensive shampoos, conditioner, and getting hair spa and keratin, we don’t see much difference in our hair problems. It’s because we don’t know the root cause of our hair problems.

There might be some other reasons behind our hair problems, it could be our unhealthy diet, unhealthy lifestyle, selection of wrong hair care products and not detoxifying your system. So whether you know the cause or not behind your hair problems, I’m gonna save your hair by sharing 5 most effective tips to get healthy and strong hair.

Detox your body – As we all know all the diseases of our body arise from our gut/stomach, if your gut is healthy then you won’t face any health Hand healthy. Now a days this process is called detoxification of the body. Basically removing all the toxins from your body is called detoxification.

There are a lot of ways for the detoxification of the body but I’m gonna share some most effective ways to detox your body.

Fasting - we all know a bit about fasting but most of us don’t pay attention to the benefits we get from it. The most effective way to detox your body is to do fasting. You can fast for one day in a week and repeat it every week with the thinking that this is gonna clean up your body.

Intermediate fasting – Now a days we often get to hear this term intermediate fasting. It is basically the easy of fasting on a daily basis and most of the people find it an easy and effective way to fast. In intermediate fasting we eat our dinner early almost at 6/7 pm and after this we don’t eat anything till the 9/10 am. Intermediate fasting is basically of 16 hours and it doesn’t make you that you are on fasting. So do it regularly to detox your body that will ultimately give you the healthier and happier version of you.


Healthy nutritional foods – Taking the proper amount of nutrition is also very important to get healthy and strong hair. I’m gonna tell you about a long list of foods but definitely gonna tell you about some foods that will promote your hair growth and will make them stronger and heathier. So you should add these nutritional foods to your diet right now to get healthier hair. These foods are eggs, fish, spinach nuts and kidney beans.


Right haircare products – There are a lot of haircare products available in the market which claims to promote hair growth but eventually fails to do it because of loaded harsh chemicals. We need to know what’s best for our hair and I would suggest you to go for natural products instead of buying an overpriced chemically loaded.  

Buy those products which are parabens and sulphate free or you could opt for making a natural shampoo at your home. For conditioning your hair you could opt for eggs which will give your hair extra shine and will last for more than a month which is far better than using a chemically loaded conditioner.


Stay hydrated – We all know the benefits of keeping the body hydrated. Hydration keeps us fresh and make us free from many diseases. And in order to get strong and healthy hair drinking enough water is also necessary. Try drinking 1-2 liters of water every day to stay hydrated. It will be always beneficial for your body if you make it a habit.


Avoid heating products – Heating can be harmful for our hair because it damages our hair and our hair start to lose its natural oil and makes it dry. And if you use heating products on a daily basis it could be more harmful for your hair and you will start to face problems like hair fall, hair damage and hair growth. So in order to get healthy and strong hair stop using all the straightening, curling and hair dryers.






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